1:1 Sessions

An opportunity to be heard, without judgement. A trusted place where you are listened to. A chance of reflection, to review current challenges & situations within your life. Time to discover what you really value, your reasons and why you want to change. A safe space where you can share and be vulnerable, if you wish.

Covering a holistic approach to your health and wellbeing, we’ll carry out an agenda map on what it is you want to work on to provide your life with honest satisfaction and contentment. Using behaviour change and elements of CBT to create perspective, manage expectations and support you with the strategis, tools and plans to make sustainable differences which become embedded within your habitual habits, routines and mindset.


You will have the accountability to carry out your intentions. With goal setting which encourages and cultivates willpower, motivation and growth in self confidence, belief, worth, love and a life that is aligned with purpose.

From mental health & emotional support, weight management, increase in physical activity, stopping smoking, alcohol reduction, stress management, positive mindset.

Weekly online or in person sessions
6 Sessions for the price of 5*
Weekly or monthly payment plans available upon request

Free intro call

Working with someone in this way is personal and you need to make sure Vs Life is the right fit for you. If you not ready to sign up just yet and would like to talk it through further, get in touch now to set up an introductory session.